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Simultaneous interpreting

The interpreter translates as the speech is delivered. This service is ment for conference rooms with interpreter booths. The audience can listen to the interpretation through headphones.

Consecutive interpreting and "chuchotage"

The speaker stops every few minutes to let the interpreter translate for the audience, or the interpreter whispers the translation in the listener's ear.

Negotiation interpreting

This service can be delivered in-company or during exhibitions. It is ment to enhance your relations with foreign partners and customers, and ensure the success of your business in other countries.

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Michela Candi – Interprete e traduttrice

Socio aggregato AITI - Socio ordinario TradInFo

Bologna (BO), Italia -

Professionista di cui alla Legge n. 4 del 14 gennaio 2013 - GU n. 22 del 26/01/2013

Michela Candi © 2020

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